6 Fun Quilting Links and Plenty of Cats-on-Quilts Action

Can you believe it? Another fortnight has gone by, it’s already mid-May and time for another weekend update. Welcome back to Bonjour Quilts – here’s all the latest news for you.

What I’m Sewing…

Once I shook the bear paws out of my hair, I found myself diving back into my scrap bags to make another quilt.

Light and dark pink fabric half-square triangle patchwork blocks, destined for a scrappy baby quilt in pink and yellow. This will be a new pattern from Bonjour Quilts.

This time I had triangles on my mind, so that’s where I started. So far I have half-square triangles and some stitch-and-flip varieties, and it’s all going well.

Thin fabric trimmings from sewing a bunch of light pink half-square triangles for a scrappy baby quilt.

With three different sized triangles in the one pattern it’s been a good way to make a dent in my pink and yellow scrap bags.

Light pink, dark fuchsia and yellow squares before they are sewn into patchwork triangles for a new scrappy quilt.

At times progress halted while I waited out a nap or two.

A ginger burmese cat napping on a pile of hot pink/fuchsia scrap fabric remnants on my cutting table.

This is nothing new of course – any quilt or quilting material is a wonderful spot for a nap. Especially in the sun, and even if you’ve forgotten to lay down. I love a cats-on-quilts photo!

A ginger Burmese cat falling asleep while standing up on a quilt. The baby quilt is a bear paw quilt made from a pattern by Kirsty of Bonjour Quilts.

I’ll be sure to show you more of this new quilt as it all comes together.

Around the Interwebs…

I really enjoyed scrolling through the 2024 winning quilts in the American Quilter’s Society shows in Kentucky, Missouri and Florida. Gorgeous work representing thousands of sewing hours.

Have you seen the Modern Quilt Guild’s 2024 Make-A-Difference Challenge? It’s an interesting theme this year, raising money for an important cause. It’s also a photo entry, which is great for those of us living outside the USA.

Unsurprisingly, I’m a big fan of domestic crafts – I’m glad to hear this museum got a virtual boot in the butt when it tried to make a joke of them.

I know some people get riled up seeing old quilts made into quilted coats, but these made-from-scratch versions are so beautifully done. (I have one quilty friend who isn’t a fan of quilt coats – she knows who she is – perhaps one of these will change her mind! ????)

Wholesale Patterns

I’ve updated my Wholesale Pattern information for any readers who own/work in a quilt shop. Get in contact if you’d like to sell my paper patterns.

Reader Quilts…

I always love to see quilts you’ve made from Bonjour Quilts patterns so please keep sending them in! Either email (Kirsty at BonjourQuilts dotcom), or tag me on Facebook or Instagram.

The first Bottomless Bear Paws I’ve seen in the wild! This beauty was made by Cheryl and is such a burst of happiness in all its rainbow glory. Cheryl has made the square paw pad version of the pattern below.

A Bottomless Bear Paws quilt sewn by Cheryl in rainbow fabrics. This quilt has a low volume background with many different colour bear paw quilt blocks. Pattern by Bonjour Quilts.

Sometimes I have to take second place to a fantastic quilting panel and I’m just fine with that. Margie had this lovely panel and was looking for another block to incorporate into her border treatment – I’m happy she chose the Bottomless Bear Paws block (with heart paw pad) to include in her quilt.

Bottomless Bear Paw quilt blocks used in the border of Margie's epic Yellowstone panel quilt. Margie has chosen the heart paw pad version to include in her quilt.

Steve pared down the colours in his Go West quilt to create this striking piece. If you’d like to see more of my patterns in only black and white (and sometimes a ‘lil accent colour like Steve’s), then check out this blog post here.

A Go West quilt sewn by Steve in black and white (and lime green) really packs a punch. This quilt pattern is by Bonjour Quilts but the colour choices are all expertly made by Steve!

I love Sally’s yellow and low volume version of Diamonds in the Deep!

A yellow and grey version of the Diamonds in the Deep quilt sewn up by Sally. This two-fabric quilt pattern was designed by Bonjour Quilts. I love Sally's choice of colours here!

Chez Bonjour…

What’s been happening around my house (Chez Bonjour) the last couple of weeks?

Remember – sometimes you’re the only one who can see your mistakes

I made burrito filling last night while not wearing my glasses and after a glass of wine. A taste-test determined more ground cumin was required so I added several healthy shakes before realising I was putting in ground nutmeg. Sigh. I quietly put the jar back in the spice rack and didn’t say a word.

And guess what – no one noticed! As I chuckled to myself at the dinner table I thought about how this applies to quilting too. Sometimes it’s best to just shut up about your mistakes because no one will notice if you don’t point it out. (I’m terrible at pointing out my quilting mistakes to all and sundry – including non-quilters. Why do I do this??) A good lesson learned here! (Obviously fine with food and quilts, please ignore if you are a mechanic or brain surgeon.)

My kids’ worst nightmare

I’ve had so much fun this week – I discovered Snapchat filters! (For the uninitiated, Snapchat is an app that the kids are using to chat via phone these days.) I have it on my phone for our youngest, who, like his siblings, won’t have his own phone ’til he’s grade 8 or 9 (TBD…). Yes, it’s rough being a kid at Chez Bonjour.

Enough of that and back to the photos and filters. The kids will be mortified I’m posting these (so cringe) but honestly how adorbs is this animé filter? I wish I really looked this cute in my nightie in the morning.

Kirsty with an anime filter

And I’m seriously considering a tattoo sleeve after seeing this filter. (Not so keen on the neck wrinkle highlights though. And perhaps getting the cat tattooed would be a bridge too far.)

Kirsty with tattoos

Tigger, as usual, slept through the whole thing.

Ginger burmese cat asleep on a bed, Sunday morning

But what a cute cartoon he’d make.

Ginger burmese cat in anime painted style

Alright, I’ll stop there so my children don’t disown me, if they haven’t already. But if you’re looking for a bit of harmless fun, download Snapchat and get to it. Just don’t post the pics on your blog, sheesh.

Oh, one more thing, it’s also fun for quilty photos. Here I am cutting the squares for my latest project:

An anime style photo of cutting fabric squares for a patchwork block. Photo includes scrappy fabric squares, a trimming ruler and a rotary cutter on a cutting board.

And here’s what my Quilter’s Planner block looks like – cool!

Cartoon style photo of the April Quilter's Planner 2024 patchwork quilt block, made in rainbow colours.

Cats’ Corner

Just a little more cat goodness before I send you off into your weekend.

Here’s Lulu pondering the deeper questions of life on the scratching post tower:

Brown burmese cat with golden eyes on a white and pine wood scratching post.

And here they are having another loooooong afternoon nap together. Not a bad life, even though your mother does post Snapchat photos on her blog.

A brown and ginger burmese cat snuggling together on a dog bed. The ginger cat has a cute little loop in his tail as he nestles into his sister's back.

Thanks for dropping by – there was a bit of off-topic talk this update, just let me know if it’s too much to bear in the comments.

Kirsty x

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    20 thoughts on “6 Fun Quilting Links and Plenty of Cats-on-Quilts Action”

    1. I truly enjoy your blog – all of it, not just the quilting. And l like that you aren’t getting a phone too early for your kids. They don’t need to be looking down all the time and forgetting to look up and around!

      • It’s a tough decision, when to get them a phone. We try to put it off as long as possible. It was easier with the older kids but those little screens are so much more a part of life for the younger ones these days. 

    2. Thank you, thank you for the “feel good” moment of the day
      Love the viewer quilts while I get my quilting mojo back
      My Siamese also sits on my projects and/or workspace

      • Hi Susan, I also love to live vicariously through other quilters when I’m having mojo issues. I hope yours comes back soon! Until then, enjoy your Siamese and happy reading.

    3. First – Ii love reading about “Chez Bonjour” in all its many facets! Don’t stop sharing (regardless of what the kids say….)! We are all more than the things we create – every time I work on an archaeological site, I feel a connectin to the :makers” of the artifacts I find. Yes, i analyze them to find out what I can about the technology and the implied knowledge behind the technology, but I also wonder about the humans who made them – what were their lives like? What were their hopes and dream? Did they have a family? What did they enjoy about their lives and surroundings? What special talents and skills did they have? Did they make things for enjoyment? I have held a stone hand axe made 1.5 million years ago in South Africa – I feel a connection to that maker and wonder who they were as a person. These are the good things that connect us in the current world of violence and strife – we should focus on them and cherish them like the jewels in our lives that they are. So keep on doing exactly what you are doing – the quilting, cats and sharing of self are what makes you special!

      • Thank you Debi, what a lovely comment to leave. I appreciate it and love the statement ‘we are more than the things we create’. So true.

    4. I thoroughly enjoyed your blog post that went from quilting to textiles to real life with family and pets. Love your sense of humor!

    5. GREAT blog post and left me smiling and laughing. Thanks for bringing this Virginia grandma a big laugh!


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