I have a fat quarter friendly, stash-busting quilt pattern for you today. It’s called Stash Knockout and it’s here to help you get your stash under control.
Like many of you, my stash could do with some reduction. With a New Year coming up fast the urge to get organised is strong and I’m using it to try and get my stash in order.
This pattern is useful as it’s very flexible – it can be used to sew up your stashed yardage, FQs, F8s and jelly roll strips. You can even mix all these cuts if that’s what you need to do to clear out your stash.
The Stash Knockout quilt pattern has instructions for 5 quilt sizes:
- Baby: 40½” x 56½”
- Throw: 56½” x 72½”
- Twin: 72½” x 88½”
- Queen: 104½” x 104½”
- King: 120½” x 104½”
My baby sized cover version is sewn with a handful of FQs that I pulled from my stash. I used 6 cobalt blue print FQs and probably 10 different low-volume fabrics for the background. Some of the low-vols were FQs, some partial FQs and others were just random strips I had left over from other quilts.
I sewed up a backing with some old half yard cuts, some of which were almost 10 years old. It felt really good to be moving these fabrics out of my linen cupboard and into a quilt, finally!
I quilted this version with a very easy and open-spaced cross hatch. I used each block corner as a guide – I didn’t mark any lines. The resulting quilt has a lot of drape due to the lack of dense quilting, which I quite like (feels more snuggly to me).
For binding I chose a half yard of Kona Pacific that I found in the cupboard. I think I might have bought it 3 years ago? Anyway, it’s now living it’s best life, out in the light!
I used my zigzag binding tutorial to machine sew the binding down – so quick and easy. I really like the contrasting thread on the front and on the back it blended in really well.
As you can see, sometimes I’m a little wavy with my zigzag, but as long as it catches the binding on the back side I don’t care.
Another quilt, done and dusted. And made entirely from stash. It really feels good!
I think with my next one I’ll experiment with inverting the colours so that the darker fabrics form the background and the lighter fabrics form the squares and crosses. Here’s a mock up in the throw size:
If you’d like to get a jump start on clearing out your stash in 2022, then you’ll also love this pattern. One of the 5 sizes are sure to suit whatever size stash you have and will help you get all those overlooked fabrics sewn into a beautiful modern quilt.
You can find the Stash Knockout quilt pattern here in my online shop.
Thanks for reading and happy end-of-year sewing!
I would like to order this pattern but when I click on your link in your email it doesn’t go to your website it says it won’t load for me can can you send me the link please? thank you
Merry Christmas! I’m sorry you’re having trouble with the link. I’m not sure what’s causing the block but it might be easier if you just go directly to the website yourself, in your internet browser. If you Google Bonjour Quilts, or put http://www.bonjourquilts.com/shop in your browser it will take you directly to my online shop. The Stash Knockout pattern is the first one listed. The code will still be valid for about 24 hours but let me know if you’re still having issues. The internet elves may be up to mayhem!
Thank you, Joann! I appreciate the vote of confidence with Very Peri – I will have to do some thinking and see what I can come up with. It’s good to be pushed out of your comfort zone every now and then.
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!
Merry Christmas Christy ? This looks like a perfect quilt for a stash buster and really quite cute! The New Year brings out the organization and purging bug for me also and I really like this pattern to give me that push to jump start. I love reading your emails and look forward to your 2022 projects ? I would like to give the Pantone color a thumbs up ?? Veri Peri, it’s pretty and maybe a little challenging but I can’t wait to see if you choose to accept the challenge and cook up a great quilt recipe with it.
Blessed and Joyous 2022 to you and yours ?
This quilt really appeals to me. It is just my style. I have bagged up fq’s and bits that I know are great together – for a someday project. This would be a fun one. We are moving so 90% of my fabric is in boxes for the near future but I think I need this pattern. Something to look forward to when I get to sew again (whenever that is) Merry Christmas Kirsty. I just want to say I love the designs and other things you post as well as your newsletters. Your work is much appreciated!!
Oh thank you, Bernie! Wishing you all the best with your relocation and hopefully you’ll be set up and sewing before you know it. It’s always such a good feeling to get a lump of scraps and bits-and-pieces turned into a quilt. Merry Christmas and all the best for 2022!