Flower Quilt Block Tutorial

I have a patchwork quilt block tutorial for you today, my friends. A Flower Quilt Block – and it works well with scraps. This sweet little Flower Quilt Block measures 9″ finished (when sewn into a quilt) or 9½” unfinished.

I sewed up two examples of this Flower Quilt Block – both with low volume backgrounds. I used scraps for all the colours and even managed a bit of fussy cutting with one of them. Read on for a tutorial on how to sew your own version of this fun quilt block.

A sewing tutorial for a flower quilt block by Bonjour Quilts. This quilt block sample is orange and grey with print fabrics. The background is a low volume AGF basics with tiny bronze stars. This flower quilt block finishes at 9 inches.

Fabric Requirements

To make one of these flower quilt blocks you will need background fabric (BG) and 3 accent fabrics (C1, C2, C3). C1 is the centre square fabric, while C2 is for the 4 petals around the centre. C3 is used to create a little wall/border around your flower garden. If you have longer strips available then you can strip piece many of the units. I’ll also give you the fabric requirements should you not have strips available and you need to go totally scrappy.

A patchwork flower quilt block tutorial by Bonjour Quilts. This diagram shows the fabric requirement labels.
  • Accent Fabrics:
  • C1: (1) 2½” square
  • C2: (1) 1½” x 10½” strip OR (4) 1½” x 2½” rectangles
  • C3: (1) 1½” x 21″ strip OR (8) 1½” x 2½” rectangles

Note that the centre square is the perfect size to use up any mini charm squares you might have around (or divide an orphan charm square into quarters). The long strips could also be an opportunity to use up orphan jelly roll strips if you cut them down to size.

  • Background fabric (BG): less than a F8 per block
  • (4) 2½” squares
  • (4) 2″ squares
  • (4) 1½” x 2½” rectangles
  • (1) 1″ x 10½” long strip OR (4) 1″ x 2½” rectangles
  • (1) 1½” x 21″ strip OR (8) 1½” x 2½” rectangles

I like to add a little extra to my strip lengths (in case you were wondering why my strips are longer than the individual rectangles added together). Sometimes strips can get a bit of a wave in them and you need to square up your vertical edge every few cuts. Having a bit of extra length allows you to do that.

Sew Strip Pieced Units

1. Take the C2 1½” x 10½” strip and the BG 1″ x 10½” strip and sew the long edges right sides together (RST) to form a 2″ x 10½” strip set. Press toward the darker fabric.

2. Cut the strip set into (4) 2½” x 2″units – these are your flower petal units. If not using strips, sew the individual units using the (4) C2 1½” x 2½ rectangles and the (4) BG 1″ x 2½” rectangles.

Strip piecing grey and white fabrics to make patchwork units for a Flower Quilt Block. This free patchwork block tutorial can be found at Bonjour Quilts.

3. Take the C3 1½” x 21″ strip and the BG 1½” x 21″ strip and sew the long edges RST to form a 2½” x 21″ strip set. Press toward the darker fabric.

4. Cut the strip into (4) 2½” x 2½ units – these are the wall/border blocks. If not using strips, sew the individual units using the (4) C3 1½” x 2½” rectangles and the (4) BG 1½” x 2½” rectangles.

Lay out your Flower Quilt Block

5. Take all the cut fabric and the units you just pieced and lay them out as shown below.

The layout for a patchwork flower quilt block. This is a free tutorial for a flower quilt pattern, and can be found at Bonjour Quilts.

6. Sew the two outside columns together, as shown below. Press the seams in toward the centre, as shown by the arrows.

7. The central rows of the block can be sewn, as shown below. Press all seams in each row to one side, alternating directions in subsequent rows so seams will nest.

8. Now sew the central rows together and press the seams away from the centre, as shown by the arrows.

A diagram showing the seam pressing directions for the inner patchwork unit of a flower quilt block. Quilt block tutorial by Bonjour Quilts.

9. Finally, you can sew the outer columns to the central patchwork unit, taking care to nest the outermost seams (the only ones that intersect). Press seams to the side or open, as you prefer.

There you have it, your completed Flower Quilt Block!

A completed Flower Quilt Block in orange and grey, with a low volume background fabric. Tutorial by Bonjour Quilts.
A close up photo of a flower quilt block by Bonjour Quilts. This quilt block sample is orange and grey with print fabrics. The background is a low volume AGF basics with tiny bronze stars. This flower quilt block finishes at 9 inches.

A Fussy Cut Flower Quilt Block

I couldn’t resist sewing up another version from my scrap bags. This time I even did some fussy cutting!

A jade green tile quilting fabric, perfect for fussy cutting elements to make a flower quilt pattern. The tutorial to make the flower quilt block can be found at Bonjour Quilts.

I’ve had this jade green tile fabric for over a decade; crazy! I used it in a baby quilt as a bit of a feature tile (that’s our youngest below – he’s now 12). So it’s high time I put this remnant to good use.

A tiled baby quilt in yellow, light blue, jade green and teal/navy. With white sashing and a scrappy binding, this is a fun modern baby quilt. Made by Kirsty at Bonjour Quilts.

The main motif of the print is roughly 2½” across which was very convenient for the centre square. For the petals, I fussy cut the individual rectangles from the green scrolls between the motifs.

Kona Bluegrass and an AGF elements squared fabric in jade green. To be used to accent a flower quilt block made from a fussy cut medallion and petals.

With the wall/border pieces I considered a green solid (seen above) and an Art Gallery Squared Elements basic in jade. In the end I chose the Art Gallery print because that piece of Kona Bluegrass wasn’t going to be big enough. But I’m happy with how it turned out. I do like a good monochrome block.

A jade green flower quilt block sewn from a tutorial by Bonjour Quilts.

More Flower Quilt Pattern Ideas

This 9½” unfinished block would make a cute little mini quilt or mug rug just as it is. It would also look lovely in a larger quilt. A 4 by 5 block layout would give you a 36½” x 45½” baby quilt. This mock-up below continues with the single colour family blocks across the rainbow spectrum. I think this would be a fun scrappy rainbow baby quilt, especially with different low volume background fabrics for each block.

A flower quilt pattern made with a low volume background fabric and scrappy fabrics. Each block is contained to a single colour group, but together all the flower quilt blocks present a scrappy rainbow. Flower quilt block tutorial available at Bonjour Quilts.

You could also go with a single background fabric and wall fabric if you want it to be a little more minimalist. Your flowers could be scrappy and multicoloured, but you might also like to focus on one colour family. Why not the same fabrics for all the blocks, for a simple, modern flower baby quilt?

A flower quilt pattern mock up made with a light blue background fabric and white and light green accents. A minimalist, modern flower baby quilt pattern. Flower quilt block tutorial available at Bonjour Quilts.

And don’t forget using a dark colour for the background. Perhaps with high contrast walls/petals and a pop of colour in the flower centre.

A flower quilt pattern mock up made with a navy blue background fabric and white and yellow accents. A minimalist, modern flower baby quilt pattern. Flower quilt block tutorial available at Bonjour Quilts.

Many, many options to choose from, that’s for sure. And hopefully you can put some scraps to good use.

Now you get to make your own!

I hope you get the chance to dive into your scrap bags and/or stash and sew yourself up a block or two. Maybe enough for a whole flower quilt? If you do get to do some sewing with this tutorial, I’d love to see what you come up with. Just send me an email (Kirsty at BonjourQuilts dotcom), or tag me on Facebook or Instagram.

Happy sewing!

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    Two samples of a flower quilt block from a quilting tutorial by Bonjour Quilts. One block is made in shades of jade green, the other in orange and grey fabrics. Both have a low volume background fabric. This block finishes at 9 inches and is a great scrap quilt block for a scrappy baby quilt.

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